JETRO has selected our Smart Gas Network Project for the “Asia DX Promotion Project in ASEAN-Japan”. This project will commence a demonstration test to develop a new gas supply network in Indonesia, utilizing natural gas and biomass-derived methane gas without the need for pipelines.
Atomis Inc. has been selected for the “Asia DX Promotion Project in ASEAN-Japan”, a subsidy project for which JETRO (Japan External Trade Organization) serves as the management party. We will start a demonstration test for the development of a new gas supply network in Indonesia that does not use pipelines for natural gas and biomass-derived methane gas.
Collaboration with Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd and BRIN
With the National Research and Innovation Agency of Indonesia (BRIN), an agency of the Indonesian government, as our local partner, and with the cooperation of Yachiyo Engineering Co., Ltd. (YEC), we have been developing a next-generation high-pressure gas container CubiTan® and a web-based integrated system CubiLoopTM. The demonstration project will be conducted with the aim of practical application in Southeast Asia.